
Showing posts from July, 2019

Measures of Central Tendency

Discussion: Measures of Central Tendency One of the main goals of data analysis is to describe data in a succinct manner so that it is easily understandable; this is called data reduction. To succinctly describe data, measures of central tendency (that is, mean, median, and mode) can be used. For example, suppose you collect data on the arrest records of inmates in a particular region. From your data, you might want to determine the most common offenses committed by inmates. If each offense is measured nominally (for example, armed robbery = 1, murder = 2, and aggravated assault = 3), determining the mode would show which offense is committed most frequently. You might also want to determine the number of offenses typically committed by inmates (ratio level of measurement) prior to being sentenced to prison. To do this, you could calculate the mean, or the average number of offenses committed by inmates. You also could rank the number of offenses from the highest to the lowest to

broader historical context of the era(

CHOOSE A SIGNIFICANT PERSON, EVENT, OR ISSUE FROM MODERN U.S. HISTORY BEFORE THE YEAR 1991 [End of the Cold War] OF PARTICULAR INTEREST TO YOU. THEN UNDERTAKE ORIGINAL RESEARCH, COMBINE YOUR RESEARCH WITH THE ASSIGNED CLASS READINGS & LECTURES, AND ANSWER THE QUESTION BELOW: PROMPT: WHY IS THE HISTORICAL SUBJECT YOU HAVE CHOSEN IMPORTANT WITHIN THE SCOPE OF MODERN U.S. HISTORY? Your analysis must be grounded on the assigned PDF documents provided for you on Canvas, including those in the Modules link entitled "Additional Sources for Essay #2," as well as the research you have done. After your introduction framing the analysis, I recommend that you tackle the body of this essay in at least two sections . Remember the last sentence in your first introductory paragraph must provide a THESIS statement telling the reader your answer to the core essay prompt above . First , provide an overview of the person, event, or issue you have chosen within the broader