Identify key trends, both modern and historical, that have shaped the evolution of the state or federal public policies surrounding your selected public policy issue, justifying your identifications

 Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Five, you will submit a 2–3 page draft of your historical analysis as well as your analysis of criminological theories relevant to your public policy issue selection. You will analyze the history of the public policies (related decisions, actions, laws, and or positions of both the state and federal government) related to your selected public policy issue. This draft should be as detailed as possible in order to allow the instructor to provide significant feedback, which you can incorporate into your final project.

Completing an analysis of the history of your selected public policy issue and analyzing the criminological theory that best explains the development of the public policies related to it in this milestone will lay the groundwork you for your Milestone Three submission in Module Seven, where you will identify the specific public needs that are targeted by the issue and determine how well the policy addresses those needs. You will then be examining how the policy can be changed or improved upon to continue to address the identified need and how these changes can be accomplished while at the same time improving upon the delivery of necessary criminal justice services.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Roman One

Historical Analysis: To inform your recommendations for the departmental public policy, you will analyze the history of the selected public policy issue, identifying key influential trends, and predict the potential future direction of the state or federal policies in supporting this issue. Specifically:


Identify key trends, both modern and historical, that have shaped the evolution of the state or federal public policies surrounding your selected public policy issue, justifying your identifications. How have the policies around this issue evolved, and what trends have influenced this evolution?


Identify court cases that have shaped the evolution of the public policies related to your chosen public policy issue, justifying your identifications.


How have the previously identified historical events impacted the public’s perception of the relevant state or federal public policies? Provide specific examples. How has public perception evolved in relation to these specified events?


Predict the potential future direction of the state or federal public policies based on the previously identified historical and modern trends. How might the state or federal public policy continue to evolve?


Criminological Theory: Now that you have analyzed the related state or federal public policies, you will analyze relevant criminological theory.


Select a criminological theory that best explains the development of the public policies related to the issue, justifying your selection. Consider how the theory explains the previously identified influence of the trends or court cases on the development of the policies.


Draw connections between the selected criminological theory and the departmental policy. Where are there specific connections between the theory and the departmental policy?


Draw connections between the selected criminological theory and the related state or federal public policies. Where are there specific connections between the theory and the selected state or federal policies?

Guidelines for Submission: Your submission needs to be 2–3 pages in length (excluding reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

Refer to the Criminal Justice Library Tips for assistance in finding and citing outside sources.

Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identical to that of the final project. The Final Project Rubric will include an additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final submission.

  • Assignment status: Solved by our Writing

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