
Showing posts from September, 2017

Read the vignette “SunTrust Takes Training to the Bank” at the end of Chapter 7. Review the information about needs assessment, training methods and measuring the success of training programs in Chapter 7. SunTrust Banks, based in Atlanta, operates the eighth-largest U.S. bank. It also has several subsidiaries offering other financial services such as mortgage banking, insurance, and Investment management. The bank serves customers in Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. As the banking industry struggled to recover from the recent financial crisis and recession (and new regulations) that followed, SunTrust’s management decided that the key to the company’s future lay with fully engaging employees in serving customers. That approach is consistent with the company’s mission of “helping people and institutions prosper.” SunTrust began to restructure its banking business in accordance with three guiding principles: (1) operating as a single team; (2) putting clients first; and (3) focusing on profitable growth. This principle-driven approach to growth requires managers who know how to foster employees’ commitment to their work and their clients. To that end, SunTrust has made it a priority to develop managers’ leadership skills. First-line managers receive training in how to coach and lead others. Middle managers work with mentors on their leadership skills. Upper level managers use assessments by peers, subordinates, and others to identify areas for growth and, with coaching, develop leadership skills taught during a three-week training program. SunTrust also selects its top 3,500 managers to receive training in employee engagement. For training aimed at emotions to be relevant, it must enable better job performance. The bank also provides learning support on its SunTrust Learning Portal. Since SunTrust initiated the new training programs, it has seen evidence of improved performance. Directions: You are the Training Manager for SunTrust. The Director of HR has some specific inquiries about the new programs and the future of the training programs. Address the following four items of concern from the Director in a 500-word business memo. 1. Define “needs assessment”. Identify the three questions that SunTrust would need to answer to assess their needs in the broad areas of organization, person, and tasks. 2. List an appropriate traditional training method that could be used to foster ethical behavior at SunTrust. 3. List two appropriate ways that SunTrust could measure the success of its training program. I’ve attached vignette “SunTrust Takes Training to the Bank” as well as rubric for assignment. Unit 8 [203: Human Resource Management] Assignment Rubric In this Assignment, through the Suntrust Banks business memo, you will engage in developing the following professional competencies: ? Written communication Sun Trust Takes Training to the Bank Read the vignette “SunTrust Takes Training to the Bank” at the end of Chapter 7. Review the information about needs assessment, training methods and measuring the success of training programs in Chapter 7. SunTrust Banks, based in Atlanta, operates the eighth-largest U.S. bank. It also has several subsidiaries offering other financial services such as mortgage banking, insurance, and Investment management. The bank serves customers in Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. As the banking industry struggled to recover from the recent financial crisis and recession (and new regulations) that followed, SunTrust’s management decided that the key to the company’s future lay with fully engaging employees in serving customers. That approach is consistent with the company’s mission of “helping people and institutions prosper.” SunTrust began to restructure its banking business in accordance with three guiding principles: (1) operating as a single team; (2) putting clients first; and (3) focusing on profitable growth. This principle-driven approach to growth requires managers who know how to foster employees’ commitment to their work and their clients. To that end, SunTrust has made it a priority to develop managers’ leadership skills. First-line managers receive training in how to coach and lead others. Middle managers work with mentors on their leadership skills. Upper level managers use assessments by peers, subordinates, and others to identify areas for growth and, with coaching, develop leadership skills taught during a three-week training program. SunTrust also selects its top 3,500 managers to receive training in employee engagement. For training aimed at emotions to be relevant, it must enable better job performance. The bank also provides learning support on its SunTrust Learning Portal. Since SunTrust initiated the new training programs, it has seen evidence of improved performance. Directions: You are the Training Manager for SunTrust. The Director of HR has some specific inquiries about the new programs and the future of the training programs. Address the following four items of concern from the Director in a 500-word business memo. 1. Define “needs assessment”. Identify the three questions that SunTrust would need to answer to assess their needs in the broad areas of organization, person, and tasks. Unit 8 [203: Human Resource Management] 2. List an appropriate traditional training method that could be used to foster ethical behavior at SunTrust. 3. List two appropriate ways that SunTrust could measure the success of its training program. Assignment Grading Rubric Maximum Percent Content and Support Major topics are stated clearly and supported by research. Specifically, ? Define “needs assessment”. Identify the three questions that SunTrust would need to answer to assess their needs in the broad areas of organization, person, and tasks. ? List an appropriate traditional training method that could be used to foster ethical behavior at SunTrust. ? List two appropriate ways that SunTrust could measure the success of its training program. ? Meets minimum length requirements of 500 words. Maximum Points 70% 35 Writing Style and Grammar 30% 15 TOTAL 100% 50 SunTrust Banks, based in Atlanta, operates the eighth-largest U.S. bank. It also has several subsidiaries offering other financial services such as mortgage banking, insurance, and investment management. The bank serves customers in Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. As the banking industry struggled to recover from the recent financial crisis and recession (and new regulations) that followed, SunTrust’s management decided that the key to the company’s future lay with fully engaging employees in serving customers. That approach is consistent with the company’s mission of “helping people and institutions prosper.” SunTrust began to restructure its banking business in accordance with three guiding principles: (1) operating as a single team; (2) putting clients first; and (3) focusing on profitable growth. This principle-driven approach to growth requires managers who know how to foster employees’ commitment to their work and their clients. To that end, SunTrust has made it a priority to develop managers’ leadership skills. First-line managers receive training in how to coach and lead others. Middle managers work with mentors on their leadership skills. Upper-level managers use assessments by peers, subordinates, and others to identify areas for growth and, with coaching, develop leadership skills taught during a three-week training program. SunTrust also selects its top 3,500 managers to receive training in employee engagement. Managers learn not only to assess employees’ performance in terms of numbers (a natural approach in a bank), but also to consider ways to build positive feelings about meeting goals and serving customers. For training aimed at emotions to be relevant, it must enable better job performance. To meet the principle of putting customers first, SunTrust conducts surveys of its customers to learn whether they are satisfied with the bank’s products and customer service. It also asks employees whether they have the resources they need to succeed at work and know what the company expects of them. Based on the feedback, the bank’s learning team creates training materials for how to meet customer expectations in each line of business. In a program called “Building Solid Relationships,” employees learn how to define client needs, explain the bank’s financial products and services clearly, and help customers choose which products and services will meet their needs. SunTrust’s CEO, Bill Rogers, saw the impact of this training firsthand when he visited a branch and peppered the branch manager and a financial services representative with questions about a new product. They invited Rogers to watch them role-play a scene between a representative and a customer. Rogers was impressed with their confidence and knowledge. The bank also provides learning support on its SunTrust Learning Portal. This Internet portal gives employees easy access to computer-based training and tools for collaboration that can support informal learning. Since SunTrust initiated the new training programs, it has seen evidence of improved performance. The bank has enjoyed a record pace of growth in deposits and top scores for the industry in client loyalty. Such feedback has given SunTrust’s executives the necessary justification for increasing training budgets regardless of economic recession. This is all taking place at a delicate time for the banking industry. Many citizens are irate about the government’s “bank bailouts,” question why banks are now very cautious about lending, and object to the fees many banks have charged to make up for revenue that has shrunk elsewhere. SunTrust, for example, tried imposing a monthly fee for unlimited debit card transactions, 229 230 but reversed the decision after a public outcry. Still, there are signs that banks are emerging from the worst times. Recent examinations by the Federal Reserve show that the amount of capital on hand at SunTrust and other major banks is approaching a level the Fed considers adequate for sustaining another economic downturn. As conditions improve, SunTrust hopes its strategic investment in training will position it at the forefront of the next round of growth.

Read the vignette “SunTrust Takes Training to the Bank” at the end of Chapter 7. Review the information about needs assessment, training methods and measuring the success of training programs in Chapter 7. SunTrust Banks, based in Atlanta, operates the eighth-largest U.S. bank. It also has several subsidiaries offering other financial services such as mortgage banking, insurance, and Investment management. The bank serves customers in Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. As the banking industry struggled to recover from the recent financial crisis and recession (and new regulations) that followed, SunTrust’s management decided that the key to the company’s future lay with fully engaging employees in serving customers. That approach is consistent with the company’s mission of “helping people and institutions prosper.” SunTrust began to restructure its banking business in accordance with three gui

Outsourcing Administration of Benefits Resources scoring guide icon Discussion and Participation Scoring Guide. Years ago the personnel manager and staff handled employee questions and managed the administration of employee benefits. Today, most companies have decided to outsource their benefit administration to third-party vendors. What is your opinion? Is the 1-800 number a better solution? Does it ensure more privacy for the employee? Or, is the 1-800 number impersonal, thus making the relationship between employer and employee more distant? Post your opinion and as always, be sure to cite examples. In this discussion, use examples from outside resources, your own experiences, or the experiences of others.

Outsourcing Administration of Benefits Resources scoring guide icon Discussion and Participation Scoring Guide. Years ago the personnel manager and staff handled employee questions and managed the administration of employee benefits. Today, most companies have decided to outsource their benefit administration to third-party vendors. What is your opinion? Is the 1-800 number a better solution? Does it ensure more privacy for the employee? Or, is the 1-800 number impersonal, thus making the relationship between employer and employee more distant? Post your opinion and as always, be sure to cite examples. In this discussion, use examples from outside resources, your own experiences, or the experiences of others. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

True or False 1) The economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities that comprise Carroll’s social responsibility pyramid apply only to organizations.( ) 2) Attitudes about ethical behaviors and practices are universal across cultures.( ) 3) Ethics are principles of right and wrong that influence behavior.( ) 4) A situation in which people have to decide whether to pursue an action that may benefit them or their organization but which is unethical or illegal is called double jeopardy.( ) 5) Illegal use of private company information to further one’s own fortunes or those of family and friends is called backroom dealing.( ) 6) Enhancing your personal wealth through insider trading may be unethical, but it is not illegal. ( ) 7) Signing the MBA oath is required of every U.S. student upon completion of graduate study in business.( ) 8) Written standards guiding employees on appropriate ways to treat stakeholders and prohibiting conflicts of interest are called a code of ethics.( ) 9) Compliance-based ethics codes enable responsible employee conduct mainly by creating a supportive environment for such behavior.( ) 10) Companies that prevent employee criminal misconduct through control and punishment often utilize compliance-based ethics codes.( ) 11) Marcia is the ethics officer at her company. Her job is to ensure that values initiatives and compliance activities take precedence in the company’s decision-making processes.( ) 12) A whistleblower who reports misconduct to authorities is someone within the offending organization.( ) 13) An arrangement in which cash from newer investors is used to pay off older investors is called multilevel marketing.( ) 14) Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, whistleblowers are protected from retaliation by their employers.( ) 15) Only large corporations should be concerned with practicing social responsibility.( ) 16) A company cannot succeed by doing social good.( ) 17) Blended value measures the outcome of all business investments in both economic and social realms.( ) 18) A systematic assessment of a company’s performance in implementing socially responsible programs is called a blended value audit.( ) 19) The positions a company takes on political and social issues are documented in its code of ethics.( ) 20) Cause-related marketing involves a partnership between a business and a nonprofit organization.( ) 21) Social entrepreneurship is limited to the nonprofit sector.( ) 22) Sustainability focuses on both the present and the future.( ) 23) Illegal behavior can impact a company’s profits.( ) 24) Business ethics do not impact investor behavior.( ) 25) Stockholders who resent a company’s social responsibility activities are logically focused on maximizing their profits.( ) 26) Sweatshops do not exist in the United States.( ) 27) Participating in community activities offers no marketing or promotional value for a business.( ) 28) The Global Compact promoting social and environmental practices for business was established by the United Nations.( ) 29) Global climate change has no impact on economic development.( ) 30) Members of the Millennial generation are generally passive and uninvolved in social issues.( )

True or False 1) The economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities that comprise Carroll's social responsibility pyramid apply only to organizations.( ) 2) Attitudes about ethical behaviors and practices are universal across cultures.( ) 3) Ethics are principles of right and wrong that influence behavior.( ) 4) A situation in which people have to decide whether to pursue an action that may benefit them or their organization but which is unethical or illegal is called double jeopardy.( ) 5) Illegal use of private company information to further one's own fortunes or those of family and friends is called backroom dealing.( ) 6) Enhancing your personal wealth through insider trading may be unethical, but it is not illegal. ( ) 7) Signing the MBA oath is required of every U.S. student upon completion of graduate study in business.( ) 8) Written standards guiding employees on appropriate ways to treat stakeholders and prohibiting conflicts of interest are calle

Reducing the Price of Health Care The focus in health care reform is cost control in light of annual double digit inflation since the late 1990s and the consumption of nearly 17% of the GDP in 2009 (more than any other country in the world). The debate is over how to reduce the rate of spending for health care, while preserving quality and access to care for patients. Research at least 2 methods of reducing the percentage of the GDP spent on health care. You will need to be able to describe how you would do this in specific terms. This can be a number of approaches, such as the following: Completely dismantle the current system and start over—a monumental task Revise the current payment system to reflect current economic constraints Cut Medicare and Medicaid Insurance reform National health insurance based on the Massachusetts Model Malpractice reform Legislation, such as the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, the Obama-care (2010), and others. Provide the following elements in your paper: Describe the model you are supporting to best control costs without compromising the quality and access to health care, and explain how the model works. Analyze the method you are supporting, detailing the strengths and weaknesses from all stakeholder group (e.g., patient, provider, and third-party payer) perspectives. Provide an example of the model in real time or as a scenario. Summarize the anticipated results in terms of costs: benefits.

Reducing the Price of Health Care The focus in health care reform is cost control in light of annual double digit inflation since the late 1990s and the consumption of nearly 17% of the GDP in 2009 (more than any other country in the world). The debate is over how to reduce the rate of spending for health care, while preserving quality and access to care for patients. Research at least 2 methods of reducing the percentage of the GDP spent on health care. You will need to be able to describe how you would do this in specific terms. This can be a number of approaches, such as the following: Completely dismantle the current system and start over—a monumental task Revise the current payment system to reflect current economic constraints Cut Medicare and Medicaid Insurance reform National health insurance based on the Massachusetts Model Malpractice reform Legislation, such as the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, the Obama-care (2010), and others. Provi

After reviewing the required reading articles by Kotter (2001; 2013) compare and contrast the characteristics of a leader and a manager. Are these mutually exclusive roles within an organization? Taking into consideration the position you currently hold or a position you have held, select two leadership characteristics that you would like to adopt and develop. Justify why these leadership characteristics are important to an organization and in achieving organizational goals. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (all of which require supporting citations), along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Required in discussion • Chapter 1 in Leadership: Theory and Practice • Kotter, J. P. (2001, December). What leaders really do? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from • Kotter, J. P. (2013, January 9). Management is (still) not leaderships. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from 1- Discuss as mentioned above in 3 paragraphs 2- No plagiarism 3- Use APA style 4- mention references that you use in discussion and use at least one scholarly reference

After reviewing the required reading articles by Kotter (2001; 2013) compare and contrast the characteristics of a leader and a manager. Are these mutually exclusive roles within an organization? Taking into consideration the position you currently hold or a position you have held, select two leadership characteristics that you would like to adopt and develop. Justify why these leadership characteristics are important to an organization and in achieving organizational goals. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (all of which require supporting citations), along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article.   Required in discussion Chapter 1 in  Leadership: Theory and Practice Kotter, J. P. (2001, December). What leaders really do?  Harvard Business Review . Retrieved from Kotter, J. P. (2013, January 9). Management is (still) not leaderships.  Harvard Business Review . Retrieved from 1- Discuss as

International Agricultural Trade Fall 2017 Homework 2 Due October 2 (in class) 1. Table 4 on the next page reports measures of labour productivity for selected manufacturing sectors and countries. Use this data to answer the following questions. a) Suppose that labor is mobile across sectors, but not across countries, so that wages are equalized within each country. Using the 1993 data for Australia and Japan, rank the manufacturing sectors according to Australia’s comparative advantage (put the sector in which Australia has the greatest comparative advantage first, and the country in which Japan has the greatest comparative advantage last). Recall that labor productivity is represented in the Ricardian framework as 1/a. (20 points) b) Japanese wages in 1993 were approximately 2 times larger than Australian wages. At a 2:1 wage ratio, which industries would the Ricardian model predict that Japan would export to Australia? (20 points) c) Refer back to the table. Note that US productivity in 1993 is higher than Australia’s in every manufacturing sector. Describe the situation in terms of Absolute and comparative advantage. Note those sectors in which comparative advantage is strongest for each country. (20 points) 2. One of the more important developments of recent years is the entry of China into world markets. This has generally meant a decrease in the relative price of manufactured goods. Draw a relative supply and relative demand graph that illustrates the change in the world situation. (20 points) 3. One of the more contentious policy issues in world trade is the existence of large agricultural subsidies in rich developed countries, especially in the U.S. and Europe. Those developing countries that export primary agricultural commodities argue that subsidies in the developed countries reduce the developing countries’ terms of trade. For example, in 2005, the World Trade Organization concluded that U.S. cotton subsidies were so large that they affected the world price of cotton. The WTO ruled that the U.S. must reduce its cotton subsidies if it was to live up to its WTO commitments. Suppose the U.S. complies with the WTO decision, and its cotton production is reduced. Use the relative supply and demand graph to show the impact on the terms of trade of cotton exporters. (20 points) Source: Pilat, Dirk, “Labour Productivity Levels in OECD Countries: Estimates for Manufacturing and Selected Service Sectors” OECD working paper #196, 1996

International Agricultural Trade Fall 2017 Homework 2 Due October 2 (in class)   Table 4 on the next page reports measures of labour productivity for selected manufacturing sectors and countries. Use this data to answer the following questions.   Suppose that labor is mobile across sectors, but not across countries, so that wages are equalized within each country. Using the 1993 data for Australia and Japan, rank the manufacturing sectors according to Australia’s comparative advantage (put the sector in which Australia has the greatest comparative advantage first, and the country in which Japan has the greatest comparative advantage last).  Recall that labor productivity is represented in the Ricardian framework as 1/a. (20 points)   Japanese wages in 1993 were approximately 2 times larger than Australian wages. At a 2:1 wage ratio, which industries would the Ricardian model predict that Japan would export to Australia? (20 points)   Refer back to the table. Note that

After reviewing the required reading articles by Kotter (2001; 2013) compare and contrast the characteristics of a leader and a manager. Are these mutually exclusive roles within an organization? Taking into consideration the position you currently hold or a position you have held, select two leadership characteristics that you would like to adopt and develop. Justify why these leadership characteristics are important to an organization and in achieving organizational goals. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (all of which require supporting citations), along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Required in discussion • Chapter 1 in Leadership: Theory and Practice • Kotter, J. P. (2001, December). What leaders really do? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from • Kotter, J. P. (2013, January 9). Management is (still) not leaderships. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from 1- Discuss as mentioned above in 3 paragraphs 2- No plagiarism 3- Use APA style 4- mention references that you use in discussion and use at least one scholarly reference

After reviewing the required reading articles by Kotter (2001; 2013) compare and contrast the characteristics of a leader and a manager. Are these mutually exclusive roles within an organization? Taking into consideration the position you currently hold or a position you have held, select two leadership characteristics that you would like to adopt and develop. Justify why these leadership characteristics are important to an organization and in achieving organizational goals. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (all of which require supporting citations), along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article.   Required in discussion Chapter 1 in  Leadership: Theory and Practice Kotter, J. P. (2001, December). What leaders really do?  Harvard Business Review . Retrieved from Kotter, J. P. (2013, January 9). Management is (still) not leaderships.  Harvard Business Review . Retrieved from 1- Discuss as

The information is provided in a table for Alpha Company and Bravo Company. Alpha Company Bravo Company Balance 12/31/15 Assets $605,000 Liabilities $142,000 Equity 436,000 305,000 Balance 12/31/16 Assets 610,000 Liabilities 184,000 170,000 Equity 460,000 440,000 During the Year: Additional Stock Issued 100,000 Dividends paid to shareholders 60,000 90,000 Revenue 655,000 Expenses 590,000 620,000 What are the amounts for each of the following missing items? 1. Alpha Company’s 12/31/15 Liabilities 2. Alpha Company’s 12/31/16 Assets 3. Alpha Company’s 12/31/16 Additional Stock Issued 4. Bravo Company’s 12/31/15 Assets 5. Bravo Company’s 12/31/16 Revenues

The information is provided in a table for Alpha Company and Bravo Company. Alpha Company Bravo Company Balance 12/31/15 Assets $605,000 Liabilities $142,000 Equity 436,000 305,000 Balance 12/31/16 Assets 610,000 Liabilities 184,000 170,000 Equity 460,000 440,000 During the Year: Additional Stock Issued 100,000 Dividends paid to shareholders 60,000 90,000 Revenue 655,000 Expenses 590,000 620,000 What are the amounts for each of the following missing items? 1. Alpha Company’s 12/31/15 Liabilities 2. Alpha Company’s 12/31/16 Assets 3. Alpha Company’s 12/31/16 Additional Stock Issued 4. Bravo Company’s 12/31/15 Assets 5. Bravo Company’s 12/31/16 Revenues CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

Taxonomies in Contemporary Higher Education As a future psychology instructor, you might find that taxonomies offer a helpful framework and common language for classifying the type and level of learning expected of your students. This week’s Assignment provides an opportunity to consider the roles, strengths, and limitations of taxonomies in instruction and learning in higher education, considering the growing diversity of learner populations, the integration of technology into students’ lives, and contemporary research on learning processes. The assignment: (5 pages) Explain how taxonomies influence instruction and learning in higher education. Explain the strengths and limitations of an emphasis on taxonomies with particular consideration for diverse learner populations. Please use in text citations and reference these resources: Readings Instructional design knowledge base—Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive development. (2012a). Retrieved from Instructional design knowledge base—Krathwohl’s taxonomy of affective domain. (2012c). Retrieved from Instructional design knowledge base—Harrow’s taxonomy of psychomotor domain. (2012b). Retrieved from Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J. E. (2011b). Instructional objectives. In Designing effective instruction(6th ed., pp. 108–112). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Designing effective instruction, 6th Edition by Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M., Kalman, H.K., & Kemp, J.E. Copyright 2011 by John Wiley and Sons. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons via the Copyright Clearance Center. Bolin, A. U., Khramtsova, I., & Saarnio, D. (2005). Using student journals to stimulate authentic learning: Balancing Bloom’s cognitive and affective domains.Teaching of Psychology,32(3),154–159.

Taxonomies in Contemporary Higher Education As a future psychology instructor, you might find that taxonomies offer a helpful framework and common language for classifying the type and level of learning expected of your students. This week’s Assignment provides an opportunity to consider the roles, strengths, and limitations of taxonomies in instruction and learning in higher education, considering the growing diversity of learner populations, the integration of technology into students’ lives, and contemporary research on learning processes. The assignment: (5 pages) Explain how taxonomies influence instruction and learning in higher education. Explain the strengths and limitations of an emphasis on taxonomies with particular consideration for diverse learner populations. Please use in text citations and reference these resources: Readings Instructional design knowledge base—Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive development. (2012a). Retrieved from Instruct

Classification of Transactions Consider the following independent activities. a. Payment of a cash dividend b. Amortization of intangible asset c. Gain on disposal of equipment d. Exchange of common stock for land e. Increase in accrued wages f. Retirement of preferred stock g. Purchase of a new plant h. Depreciation expense i. Decrease in accounts payable j. Increase in accounts receivable k. Proceeds from the sale of land l. Increase in prepaid expenses m. Retirement of a bond n. Purchase of a 60 percent interest in another company Required: Classify the following transaction as operating activities, investing activities, financing activities, or financing/investing not affecting cash. If an activity is an operating activity, indicate whether it will be added to or deducted from net income to compute cash from operations.

Classification of Transactions Consider the following independent activities. a. Payment of a cash dividend b. Amortization of intangible asset c. Gain on disposal of equipment d. Exchange of common stock for land e. Increase in accrued wages f. Retirement of preferred stock g. Purchase of a new plant h. Depreciation expense i. Decrease in accounts payable j. Increase in accounts receivable k. Proceeds from the sale of land l. Increase in prepaid expenses m. Retirement of a bond n. Purchase of a 60 percent interest in another company Required: Classify the following transaction as operating activities, investing activities, financing activities, or financing/investing not affecting cash. If an activity is an operating activity, indicate whether it will be added to or deducted from net income to compute cash from operations. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRI

Direct and Indirect Methods The comparative balance sheets and income statement of Piura Manufacturing follow. Additional transactions for 2012 were as follows: a. Cash dividends of $8,000 were paid. b. Equipment was acquired by issuing common stock with a par value of $6,000. The fair market value of the equipment is $32,000. c. Equipment with a book value of $12,000 was sold for $6,000. The original cost of the equipment was $24,000. The loss is included in operating expenses. d. Two thousand shares of preferred stock were sold for $4 per share. Required: 1. Prepare a schedule of operating cash flows using (a) the indirect method and (b) the direct method. 2. Prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method. 3. Prepare a statement of cash flows using a worksheet similar to the one shown in Cornerstone 15-8 (p. 643). 4. Form a group with two to four other students, and discuss the merits of the direct and indirect methods. Which do you think investors might prefer? Should the FASB require all companies to use the direct method?

Direct and Indirect Methods The comparative balance sheets and income statement of Piura Manufacturing follow. Additional transactions for 2012 were as follows: a. Cash dividends of $8,000 were paid. b. Equipment was acquired by issuing common stock with a par value of $6,000. The fair market value of the equipment is $32,000. c. Equipment with a book value of $12,000 was sold for $6,000. The original cost of the equipment was $24,000. The loss is included in operating expenses. d. Two thousand shares of preferred stock were sold for $4 per share. Required: 1. Prepare a schedule of operating cash flows using (a) the indirect method and (b) the direct method. 2. Prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method. 3. Prepare a statement of cash flows using a worksheet similar to the one shown in Cornerstone 15-8 (p. 643). 4. Form a group with two to four other students, and discuss the merits of the direct and indirect methods. Which do you think investors might prefer? S

Statement of Cash Flows, Indirect Method The following balance sheets are taken from the records of Golding Company (numbers are expressed in thousands): Additional information is as follows: (a) Equipment costing $10,000,000 was purchased at yearend. No equipment was sold; and (b) Net income for the year was $25,000,000; $10,000,000 in dividends were paid. Required: 1. Prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method. 2. Conceptual Connection: Assess Golding’s ability to use cash to acquire Lemmons Company. Consider the information in Exhibit 15-2 (p. 635) and Cornerstone 15-6 (p. 639) as part of your analysis.

Statement of Cash Flows, Indirect Method The following balance sheets are taken from the records of Golding Company (numbers are expressed in thousands): Additional information is as follows: (a) Equipment costing $10,000,000 was purchased at yearend. No equipment was sold; and (b) Net income for the year was $25,000,000; $10,000,000 in dividends were paid. Required: 1. Prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method. 2. Conceptual Connection: Assess Golding’s ability to use cash to acquire Lemmons Company. Consider the information in Exhibit 15-2 (p. 635) and Cornerstone 15-6 (p. 639) as part of your analysis. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

Schedule of Operating Cash Flows: Indirect Method The income statement for the Mendelin Corporation is as follows: Additional information is as follows: a. Interest expense includes $1,800 of discount amortization. b. The prepaid insurance expense account decreased by $2,000 during the year. c. Wages payable decreased by $3,000 during the year. d. Accounts payable increased by $7,500 (this account is for purchase of merchandise only). e. Accounts receivable increased by $10,000 (net of allowance for doubtful accounts). Required: Prepare a schedule of operating cash flows using the indirect method.

Schedule of Operating Cash Flows: Indirect Method The income statement for the Mendelin Corporation is as follows: Additional information is as follows: Schedule of Operating Cash Flows: Indirect Method The income statement for the Mendelin Corporation is as follows: Additional information is as follows: a. Interest expense includes $1,800 of discount amortization. b. The prepaid insurance expense account decreased by $2,000 during the year. c. Wages payable decreased by $3,000 during the year. d. Accounts payable increased by $7,500 (this account is for purchase of merchandise only). e. Accounts receivable increased by $10,000 (net of allowance for doubtful accounts). Required: Prepare a schedule of operating cash flows using the indirect method. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

The following balance sheets were taken from the records of Blalock Company: Statement of Cash Flows Refer to the information for Blalock Company on the previous page. Required: Prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method.

The following balance sheets were taken from the records of Blalock Company: Statement of Cash Flows Refer to the information for Blalock Company on the previous page. Required: Prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) Review Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Positive behavior support plan (Essential elements)Preview the documentView in a new window Positive behavioral intervention and support (PBIS) can either be individually based or school wide (SWPBIS), and in many cases both. The whole school can have a behavior intervention plan that involves system-wide positive rewards for following the school’s code of conduct and consistent negative reinforcement for code violations. Individually based behavior plans are dependent on the student’s unique target behavior and what the student finds as a motivator. The main goal of either a school-wide or individual-based PBIS is to teach students to generalize positive behaviors in the “real world” without adult support or external rewards. Thomas was a fourth grader at a local elementary school who was diagnosed with Down syndrome and received specially designed instruction as defined on his IEP. Thomas had been attending the school since first grade and knew several of the other students. He received most of his instruction in separate special education class that was located within the general population. Thomas’ teachers described his problem behaviors as off task and disruptive to instruction and other activities that included excessive talking, prolonged waving and pointing at peers, and excessively long transitions between activities. Thomas has also been sent home several times for touching peers in private areas. The teachers have reported that when there are five or more students per teacher the majority of problems arise. Thomas really likes getting the teacher’s attention, high-fives, and getting calls home to say he is doing a great job.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) Review Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Positive behavior support plan (Essential elements)Preview the documentView in a new window Positive behavioral intervention and support (PBIS) can either be individually based or school wide (SWPBIS), and in many cases both. The whole school can have a behavior intervention plan that involves system-wide positive rewards for following the school’s code of conduct and consistent negative reinforcement for code violations. Individually based behavior plans are dependent on the student’s unique target behavior and what the student finds as a motivator. The main goal of either a school-wide or individual-based PBIS is to teach students to generalize positive behaviors in the “real world” without adult support or external rewards. Thomas was a fourth grader at a local elementary school who was diagnosed with Down syndrome a

School Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS) View the presentation, School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Getting Started.Preview the documentView in a new window For this assignment, your school principal has asked for your assistance in creating a School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS) system. Choose a school level (elementary, middle, or high school) to create a SWPBIS plan. Use the information found in the presentation provided as your foundation. Your plan must include: Rationale and features. Describe what will be included in the plan. For example: Discipline School safety Attendance Character education School spirit Implementation. Discuss how you will implement this practice. Discuss how will you inform students and keep it enforced. For example: Any teacher can hand out a ticket Tickets can only be given out during certain times of the day Student’s name must immediately be written on the ticket Rewards. State who will be in charge of administering the rewards. Describe the kinds of rewards you will offer the students, and how often will they be administered. For example: Students will collect tickets from any teacher when they are caught doing something good. At the end of the semester, there will be a “price” guide where the tickets can be traded Students will be acknowledged each semester for things like perfect attendance, good citizenship, and service to the school and community Peer nominations for specific awards You will create a presentation using Prezi (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or PowerPoint. Your SWPBIS plan must be 10 to 15 slides in length, with a title slide, an introduction slide, and a reference slide. Your plan should also be formatted according to APA guidelines, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Be sure to use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

School Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS) View the presentation, School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Getting Started.Preview the documentView in a new window For this assignment, your school principal has asked for your assistance in creating a School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS) system. Choose a school level (elementary, middle, or high school) to create a SWPBIS plan. Use the information found in the presentation provided as your foundation. Your plan must include: Rationale and features. Describe what will be included in the plan. For example: Discipline School safety Attendance Character education School spirit Implementation. Discuss how you will implement this practice. Discuss how will you inform students and keep it enforced. For example: Any teacher can hand out a ticket Tickets can only be given out during certain times of the day Student’s name must immediately be written on the ticket Rewards. State who will be

Differential Reinforcement Review the various types of differential reinforcement explained in Behavior Advisor and how to set up a token economy system: DRL: Differential Reinforcement of Lower Rates of Behavior (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. DRI: Differentiated Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Classroom token economy Preview the documentView in a new window A fellow teacher and friend calls you pleading for help with his fifth grade class. When you ask what is going on he tells you: Every time I turn my back, Michael is either throwing something, hitting someone playfully, or making fun of me. When I ask him to please stop, he gets defensive and says, “It wasn’t me!” but I know it was. The principal and the parents just scold him and he is just as disruptive the next day. When he behaves like that, it causes the entire class to be off task. I just don’t know what to do. Because you have been taking this course, you feel equipped to help your friend by suggesting he try using differentiated reinforcement with a token economy system. Design a plan using one of the differentiated reinforcement techniques and the token economy system. Support your reasoning for choosing a specific technique with one additional resource.

Differential Reinforcement Review the various types of differential reinforcement explained in Behavior Advisor and how to set up a token economy system: DRL: Differential Reinforcement of Lower Rates of Behavior (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. DRI: Differentiated Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Classroom token economy Preview the documentView in a new window A fellow teacher and friend calls you pleading for help with his fifth grade class. When you ask what is going on he tells you: Every time I turn my back, Michael is either throwing something, hitting someone playfully, or making fun of me. When I ask him to please stop, he gets defensive and says, “It wasn’t me!” but I know it was. The principal and the parents just scold him and he is just as disruptive the next day. When he behaves like tha

Functional Behavior Assessment Every behavior is exhibited either to gain or avoid something. When learning to modify a target behavior, the first step is to find out what is the function of the behavior (gaining or avoiding), and then identify its purpose. Read Chapter 8, Formal Behavior Assessment, and Chapter 9, Functional Behavior Assessment, in your textbook. Then, read the articles, Functional behavior assessment (FBA)Preview the documentView in a new window and Functional behavioral assessment: Confucting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA)Preview the documentView in a new window Complete the STAR legacy module, Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., beginning with the “Challenge” section and following the self-guided tutorial. Complete the following seven “Assessment” questions (also at the conclusion of the module): Describe a school-based example of two of the following: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, or extinction. Discuss at least two benefits of conducting an FBA to address problem behaviors. After watching the video (located in the assessment section of the module), and filling out the A-B-A analysis form on Kira (the girl in the white shirt), discuss what the function of Kira’s behavior is. Nigel’s problem behavior includes cursing, making derogatory comments toward other students, yelling, spitting, and shoving chairs. Discuss the type of a measurement system you would use to collect data on Nigel’s problem behaviors and explain your answer. Using the information on the matrix for Nigel (located in the assessment section of the module), determine a possible function of the behavior. Be sure to include a hypothesis statement. Look at the graph (located in the assessment section of the module). The objective of the function-based intervention was to reduce the instances of Nigel’s problem behaviors (i.e., cursing, making derogatory comments toward other students, yelling, spitting, and shoving chairs) during a twenty-minute small-group activity. Discuss whether or not the intervention was successful. If you were the teacher, would you keep, modify, or discontinue the intervention? Explain your answers. Discuss how you would go about evaluating an unsuccessful intervention. Include two specific factors that you would examine and explain why they are important. Each of your answers should be at least half a page in length, double spaced. You must support your ideas with at least two additional sources (with the exception of questions 3 and 6). You may also reference your personal experience in addition to your sources. Your paper should be four to six pages in length, excluding the title page and reference page, and formatted according to APA guidelines, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Functional Behavior Assessment Every behavior is exhibited either to gain or avoid something. When learning to modify a target behavior, the first step is to find out what is the function of the behavior (gaining or avoiding), and then identify its purpose. Read Chapter 8, Formal Behavior Assessment, and Chapter 9, Functional Behavior Assessment, in your textbook. Then, read the articles, Functional behavior assessment (FBA)Preview the documentView in a new window and Functional behavioral assessment: Confucting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA)Preview the documentView in a new window Complete the STAR legacy module, Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., beginning with the “Challenge” section and following the self-guided tutorial. Complete the following seven “Assessment” questions (also at the conclusion of the module): Describe a school-based ex

Where to Educate? If you were a parent of a child diagnosed with a behavior problem caused by a neurological disorder such as bipolar, ADHD, or sensory processing disorder, would you want your child to be educated in the general classroom with typically-developing or non-disabled peers, or in a smaller, more restrictive environment where there is a smaller teacher-to-student ratio with other children who have similar disabilities? Provide a rationale for your decision and use outside resources to support your perspective. List at least three intervention strategies you would use, as a teacher, to include this student in your classroom. Be sure to write which age/grade-level you’ve chosen, along with the appropriate behavior intervention strategies.

Where to Educate? If you were a parent of a child diagnosed with a behavior problem caused by a neurological disorder such as bipolar, ADHD, or sensory processing disorder, would you want your child to be educated in the general classroom with typically-developing or non-disabled peers, or in a smaller, more restrictive environment where there is a smaller teacher-to-student ratio with other children who have similar disabilities? Provide a rationale for your decision and use outside resources to support your perspective. List at least three intervention strategies you would use, as a teacher, to include this student in your classroom. Be sure to write which age/grade-level you’ve chosen, along with the appropriate behavior intervention strategies. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

1. Explain how the external environment might impact global human resource management? 2. Explain how the external environment might impact marketing around the world? 3. Explain how the external environment might impact the value chain? 4. Select five of the most important current events that occurred this semester and their impact on international business? Be specific.

1. Explain how the external environment might impact global human resource management? 2. Explain how the external environment might impact marketing around the world? 3. Explain how the external environment might impact the value chain? 4. Select five of the most important current events that occurred this semester and their impact on international business? Be specific. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

A US based investor can buy a US bond or an Australian bond. The US bond pays 9% interest and the Australian bond pays 5% interest. If the current exchange rate is Et = 1.5 and the future exchange rate is Et+1 = 1.4, then in terms of US dollars Answer the US bond has a higher future value the Australian bond has a higher future value both bonds have the same future value none of the above

A US based investor can buy a US bond or an Australian bond. The US bond pays 9% interest and the Australian bond pays 5% interest. If the current exchange rate is Et = 1.5 and the future exchange rate is Et+1 = 1.4, then in terms of US dollars Answer the US bond has a higher future value the Australian bond has a higher future value both bonds have the same future value none of the above CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

You are a project manager for a medium-sized manufacturer of motorcycle cruisers. The engines in motorcycle cruisers, like the ones you manufacture, are usually categorized by size rather than the number of cylinders. In the past, your company has successfully manufactured and marketed the best-selling of these fuel-efficient cruisers that occupy the middleweight class. The rather nebulous middleweight class comprises motorcycles broadly ranging in engine size from 500 cubic centimeters, or cc, to 1000 cc. Executives at your company are now interested in motorcycles with larger motors and would eventually like to produce motorcycles in the touring class, specifically designed to excel at covering long distances with motors larger than 1100 cc. The proposed target market for these larger motorcycles consists of males between the ages of 35 and 60 in global markets. Price points for the larger motorcycles cover income ranges from $55,000 to $100,000. Management has decided that your company will meet the objectives stated herein within the next five (5) years. During the proposed changeover, the company will continue to manufacture the middleweight cruisers to serve its existing clientele. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Select one (1) of the types of project organization that would suit the development of the larger touring class motorcycles. Outline the process steps that your company would take in order to develop the motorcycle. Provide a rationale for the response. Recommend one (1) strategy to the senior executives that the organization might use to balance short- and long-term needs. Specify the crucial resources that you would need as a project manager to run the existing business interests at the same time that the business changes to the production of touring class motorcycles. Suggest the project management leadership style that is most conducive to overseeing the operation of the business growth plan. Recommend at least three (3) risk mitigation strategies to address project plan details that might be forgotten or overlooked. Justify the selection.5.Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

You are a project manager for a medium-sized manufacturer of motorcycle cruisers. The engines in motorcycle cruisers, like the ones you manufacture, are usually categorized by size rather than the number of cylinders. In the past, your company has successfully manufactured and marketed the best-selling of these fuel-efficient cruisers that occupy the middleweight class. The rather nebulous middleweight class comprises motorcycles broadly ranging in engine size from 500 cubic centimeters, or cc, to 1000 cc. Executives at your company are now interested in motorcycles with larger motors and would eventually like to produce motorcycles in the touring class, specifically designed to excel at covering long distances with motors larger than 1100 cc. The proposed target market for these larger motorcycles consists of males between the ages of 35 and 60 in global markets. Price points for the larger motorcycles cover income ranges from $55,000 to $100,000. Management has decided that your c

You buy a 5-year XYZ convertible bond with a coupon of 2% at a price of $1000. Interest is paid semi-annually. The bond is convertible into 20 shares of XYZ stock. The stock price today is $40. Currently, 5-year XYZ bonds are trading with a yield of 4%. Also, the following XYZ 5-year call options are trading at the following prices: $20 strike trades at $21 $25 strike trades at $18 $40 strike trades at $10 $50 strike trades at $4.50 QUESTION: SHOW THAT THE $1,000 PURCHASE PRICE IS FAIR.

You buy a 5-year XYZ convertible bond with a coupon of 2% at a price of $1000. Interest is paid semi-annually. The bond is convertible into 20 shares of XYZ stock. The stock price today is $40. Currently, 5-year XYZ bonds are trading with a yield of 4%. Also, the following XYZ 5-year call options are trading at the following prices: $20 strike trades at $21 $25 strike trades at $18 $40 strike trades at $10 $50 strike trades at $4.50 QUESTION: SHOW THAT THE $1,000 PURCHASE PRICE IS FAIR. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS

Very little money is spent in this world without a proposal of some sort first laying out a project and then justifying why it is worth the cost.

This assignment will assess the following competency: 1. Explore key topics in technical writing. Directions: Very little money is spent in this world without a proposal of some sort first laying out a project and then justifying why it is worth the cost. Whether you are obtaining funding for your work, suggesting changes where you work, selling a project, or bidding for a project, you will need a proposal. Proposals attempt to persuade the audience to take direct action. They are an important part of planning, research, and sales. Proposals take great care to write. You need to know your audience and be informed about the subject matter to write a successful proposal. Furthermore, many proposals have an oral presentation component as well, what might well be called “The Pitch.” The recipient of the proposal would be given a formal, paper copy, but then an individual or a team would give a presentation in hopes of winning approval. For your final paper in this course, you

You Jewelers is a small jewelry company in a college town

Technical Paper: Final Project PlanDue Week 10 and worth 200 points Especially for You Jewelers is a small jewelry company in a college town. Over the last couple of years, it has experienced a tremendous increase in its business. However, its financial performance has not kept pace with its growth. The current system, which is partly manual and partly automated, doesn’t track accounts receivables sufficiently, and the company is finding it difficult to determine the reasons why the receivables are so high. The company runs frequent specials to attract customers but has no idea whether these efforts are profitable or if the benefit—if there is one—comes from associated sales. Especially for You Jewelers wants to increase repeat sales to its existing customers; thus, it needs to develop a customer database. It also wants to install a new direct sales and accounting system to help solve the outlined problems.The new direct sales and accounting system for Especially for You Jewelers wil

Using the information at: research how a risk assessment methodology process can be used to assess risk at a maximum security facility

1.Using the information at:  research how a risk assessment methodology process can be used to assess risk at a maximum security facility. 2. Go to  to research how different aspects of systems engineering and their experts pertains to a vulnerability assessment in the context of a risk assessment. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS.……………………NO PLAGIARISM  Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS  GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

Technical Paper: Database Administrator for Department Store

Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Technical Paper : Database Administrator for Department Store  worth 200 points The Strayer Oracle Server may be used to test and compile the SQL Queries developed for this assignment. Your instructor will provide you with login credentials to a Strayer University maintained Oracle server. Imagine that you have been hired as the database administrator for a local department store. The department store has recently expanded by opening five (5) stores within your local region. They have also launched a series of marketing campaigns to attract new customers and increase sales. For your hired role, you will be responsible for creating and maintaining an enterprise-wide database system that will hold the sales and inventory data for the organization. The designed database will help operations in supporting its new business marketing strategy. Using the concepts presented throughout the course, you will develop a p